VedicMaths : By the deficiency

Rule/Sutra : By the deficiency

Here we will learn the Vedic sutra ‘By the deficiency’ which means how less or more the number is from the base number. The base number as explained earlier is 10 or a multiple of 10.

7 is deficient by 3 from 10
8 is deficient by 2 from 10
29 is deficient by 1 from 30
97 is deficient by 3 from 100

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Vedic Maths: Completing the Whole

Let’s start from the basics. In arithmetic there are nine numbers and a 0. All the numbers are made using these. We need to understand the Place value of these numbers.

We count numbers in groups of 10. Each place has a value of 10 times the place to its right.
Ten Units make a 10
Ten Tens make a 100
Ten Hundreds make a 1000 and so on…
In any number its value depends on its position/place.
In the number 2583: Value of 2 is 2000; 5 is 500; 8 is 80 and 3 is 3.

10 s: Group of 10 units/ones.
100s: Group of 10 tens
1000s: Group of 10 hundreds
10000: Group of 10 thousands

Ten Point Circle


If you look at the circle closely you will notice that the opposite numbers add to 10 (5 will add to itself and make 10)
Our number system is based on the number 10 and proceeds in cycles of 10 e.g. 10, 20, 30 and so on. The reason behind this is that compared to the other numbers; ‘10’ is a very easy number to handle.

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